What's the capital city of South Korea?
The probability what you get the right answer to the question is only less than 15%.
Guess it! Busan? Daegu? Seoul? Gwangju? Ulsan? Daejeon? Incheon?
What you folks are reading here means that you are interested in Korea. Of course, you already know what the capital city of South Korea is.
With the Korean economy growing up, Seoul, the capital city of seoul, has been up to one of the biggiest cities across the world. Even amazing Korean economic growth has been accepted by some developing coutries as a their own economic growth model. (I cannot deny the Korean ecconomy is affected from the U.S.)
How big is Seoul City? As you visit first itme, you probably have a question how the city is distinguished the boundary. The answer is simple. Seoul city is surrounded by a range of mountains and divided into north and south with the Han river(한강[hangang]).
You can check and feel that with the Seoul map on like the Google Earth.
Seoul is only roghly 50km south from the North Korea. (Isn't it a quite short distance?)
The metropolis has lots of satellite cities as like as other cities. The gross Seoul population including the cities around Seoul is about 25 million inhabitants so that Seoul is being assumpted the second largest metropolitan area in the world.
As many as citizens live in Seoul, the city has 25 administrative divisions. (We call an administrative division "gu"[구].) And all the divisions are divided into 522 small towns named "dong"(동)
I will put 25 divisions (gu) on here. But not put 522 towns(dong). (I don't exactly know because there are too many.) ;-p
1. Dobong-gu (도봉구)
2. Dongdaemu-gu (동대문구)
3. Dongjak-gu (동작구)
4. Eunpyeong-gu(은평구)
5. Gangbuk-gu (강북구)
6. Gangdong-gu (강동구)
7. Gangseo-gu (강서구)
8. Gangnam-gu (강남구)
9. Geumcheon-gu (금천구)
10. Gangseo-gu (강서구)
11. Guro-gu (구로구)
12. Gwanak-gu (관악구)
13. Gwangjin-gu (광진구)
14. Jongno-gu (종로구)
15. Jung-gu (중구)
16. Jungnan-gu (중랑구)
17. Mapo-gu (마포구)
18. Nowon-gu (노원구)
19. Seocho-gu (서초구)
20. Seodaemun-gu (서대문구)
21. Seongdong-gu (성동구)
22. Songpa-gu (송파구)
23. Yangcheon-gu (양천구)
24. Yeongdeungpo-gu (영등포구)
25. Yongsan-gu (용산구)
--NEW WORDS------------------------------------------
강 [gang] : river
한강 [hangang] : the Han River which is across the city of Seoul
남 [nam] : south
북 [buk] : north
서 [seo] : west
동 [dong] : east
강남 [gangnam] : South from the Han River
강북 [gangdong] : North from the river
강서 [gangseo] : West from ~
강동 [gangdong] : East ~
서울[Seoul, sa;ul] : Seoul
~구 [-gu] : a administrative division such as 동대문구, 도봉구, and so on.
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