Normally, this expression is on Level 2 of Korean class for foreigners at university's language centers in Korea.
Today, You will learn
1. AVst는지 모르다/알다
2. DVst(으)ㄴ지 모르다/알다
AVst : action verb stems
DVst : description verb stems
1. Meaning? -> I don't know/do know that(or if) Subjective Verb....
2. Classification : 3 types based on the time
(1) AVst는지 모르다/알다DVst(으)ㄴ지 모르다/알다 -> Present tense
(2) Vst았/었/였는지 모르다/알다 -> Past tense
(3) Vst(으)ㄹ지 모르다/알다 -> Future tense
A : 지금 날씨가 어때요? How's the weather now?
B : 몰라요. 날씨가 어떤지 몰라요. I don't know. I don't know how the whether is now.
A : 어제 무엇을 먹었어요? What did you eat yesterday?
B : 글쎄요. 어제 무엇을 먹었는지 몰라요.Well.. I don't know what I had yesterday.
You can easily think of how to use it!
그거 쉬워요? 몰라요? = 그거 쉬운지 몰라요?
Is it easy? you don't know? = You don't know that it's easy?
공부하는 것이 힘들어요? 몰라요? = 공부하는 것이 힘든지 몰라요?
Studying is difficult? You don't know? = You don't know studying is difficult?
친구를 만나요? 언제? 몰라요? = 언제 친구를 만나는지 몰라요?
You see a friend? When? You don't know? = You don't know when you see a friend?
Action Verbs
(사람을) 만나다 : to meet
(음식을) 먹다 : to eat
(옷을) 입다 : to wear
가다 : to go <-> 오다 : to come
자다 : to sleep <-> 깨다, 일어나다 :to get or wake up
공부하다 : to study
Description Verbs
어렵다 to be difficult <-> 쉽다 : to be easy
모르다 not to understand <-> 알다 : to understand
예쁘다 to be pretty
귀엽다 to be cute